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Episode Review: California Reich (TBD)

Season 4
Airdate: 8/24/98

Episode Details

Airdate: August 24, 1998
Network: Syfy
Director: Robert M. Williams Jr.
Writer: Scott Smith Miller

Notable Guest Stars: Shane West, Henry G. Sanders

Worlds: Racist World, Kirk & Vanessa’s New World

Memorable Quotes:
Rembrandt (about a room full of clothes): “Whose stuff is this?”
Harold: “You don’t think they gonna process you out of here with a C note and a new suit of clothes, do you? They take these to defray our ‘cost to society.’”
Rembrandt (grabs Harold): “How could you do this?”
Harold: “It’s the law. They took a vote.”
Rembrandt: “Did you get to vote?”
(Harold remains silent, Rembrandt sighs)
Rembrandt: “How could you do this? You fought it before. You just gonna stand by and let Schick stir up a bunch of angry punks with this racist bull?”
Harold: “So what choice do I have?”
Rembrandt: “What choice did you have when they turned the fire hoses on you in Selma? You chose to stand there and take it! Harold. There are some things that are so, so evil, you can’t believe that a human being is capable of doing them. So, you just pretend that it isn’t happening. Harold. It is happening, Harold. And it will continue to happen until you open your eyes and you do something about it.”