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Episode Review: The Great Work (TBD)

Season 5
Airdate: 7/9/99

Episode Details

Airdate: July 9, 1999
Network: Syfy
Director: Reza Badiyi
Writer: Robert Masello

Notable Guest Stars: Marshall Bell, Austin Nichols

Worlds: Tropical World (Not Seen), Volsang World, Giant 3 World

Memorable Quotes:
(Rembrandt, Mallory and Seth dig for clams on the beach)
Seth: “‘There.’ That sounds good to me. I’ve never been anywhere but this island.”
Mallory (picks up a rock): “Ah, looks like quartz. If I’m remembering my high school geology right.”
Seth: “You’re right. My father says it represents the purity of knowledge. The biggest and most perfect examples are displayed in the refectory.”
Rembrandt: “Listen, when I told your father that we were gonna leave the island, he said that that wasn’t an option.”
Seth: “Once here no one ever leaves. It’s not safe.”
Rembrandt: “What happened? I mean, was your world overrun?”
Seth: “Yeah. Most of it. At least that’s what I’ve been told. After the collapse of the Hemispheric Alliance, the Volsangs were pretty much in charge. Why did you say ‘your world’?”
(Rembrandt looks away to Mallory)
Seth: “I knew it.”